Domain Shakespeare:
Part of Fleege's Right Brain Internet. fleege.com Don't lose another minute of traffic: WHY NAME DRIVE IS THE BEST PLACE TO PARK YOUR DOMAINS. Promote Your FREE ADVERTISING: Post free advertising absolutely Free Advertising media. Post your best products, domains and opportunities for free. Get a free webpage like this. our example Domainers! Promote yourself. Get a free Mothership site of all your links and promotions for free: Forum Success |
Is your project, marketing campaign, new product or business idea stuck in the domain name/naming stage: Do you need a good domain that: • reflects and adds value to your business, idea, product, campaign Welcome to the Domain Shakespeare website. Get creative, relevant, memorable, and short "custom" domain names starting at $75. Simple process: Start with a free consultation. After agreement to proceed we conduct a 25-45 minute over-the-phone interview where I will ask a ton of one-word-answer questions about your business, needs and background. 24 hours later you will have about 24 unique and available - killer domain names - to choose from. YOU CAN also buy "used" names at the world largest searchable domains for sale list at sedo.com (bookmark this site now for future reference) ________________________________________________________________________ Do not settle for a long-domain-with-dashes.biz domain. Hire a pro. 4 Simple steps: 1 - Free Url domain name consultation. 2- Free immediate quote. 3- Briefing - Interview. 4 - Presentation of results. Up to 24 available & perfect domains for YOU. Robert Fleege & Partners - the advertising copywriting and art direction business behind the Domain Shakespeare - can also help with all marketing aspects of your new business venture or project. Naming, advertising copywriting, branding copywriting, marketing copywriting, corporate mission statements, mottoes, and slogans. Campaign themes, TV commercials, outdoor, print copywriting, art direction, design and production . See fleege.com for full list of services, capabilities and portfolio. Wordsmiths, copywriters and creative pros: Make Money with Domain names! Step 1: Register a new or acquire existing names. We highly recommend GoDaddy. Step 2: Park them at namedrive. With just a few clicks you can create a custom website (custom landing page) that will generate revenue from visitors within minutes. Then promote your domains for sale through appropriate channels. (sedo, afternic,namepros, urlmerchant + domain category specific forums etc) If you prefer you can also park your domains at sedo but make sure that you at least list them for sale there. For more info on successful Domain Parking go to: DomainParkingGuru.com Step 3: Negotiate the price and sell for big profits. Step 4: Repeat. (use part of profits to acquire a few domain names for your pipeline) BUT always park your domain first - right away. Even though you can only have your site parked in one place you CAN and should offer it for sale wherever you can - sedo afternic See our available domains here: 125+Quality .com Domain Names for Sale Read our REVIEW: How to Sell Domains - A weekend crash course. www.urlguru.com - url guru DomainGuru get into the web hosting business (with a free website giving you income and WITH LINKS OUT promoting you you you...) How I Sell My Domain Names Web Resources Godaddy.com - Still the big daddy of hosting and domain registrations. Advertising Wisdom | Truly Digital & Online Printing | 4 inkjets | url guru Internets BEST place to buy fax film and color printer toner HUGE SAVINGS Top Word Domains Domain Guru - Insider's Guide To Domain Name Speculation, and learn the secrets of the domain professionals! Dnclassifieds.com - Domain Appraisal Service, with Free Domain Ads & Resources to help you sell your domain investments. Discount Domains Get your own .com domain name!
Domainers: A web No brainer: resellerspanel.com see our example site urlguru.com If there is one thing to take away from this page it is this opportunity. Works great as a domain parking site as well only that the money is 100 times better. Once there Click on reselling www.urlguru.com Domain Buiness Resources GoDaddy.com - World's #1 Domain Name Registrar sedo.com - Park your domains for free. Make money while the perfect buyer finds you. Sedo is the best place to market and sell your domains. It is the world's largets domain aftermarket aka used domain marketplace. Only pay commission on the selling price. You set the sale price. - Learn how to Make Money in the web url domain game. Buy and sell domains. - See what domains are worth & selling for. Recently sold list. Put your domains to work: NameDrive.com Create instant revenue with your domains |