Domain Shakespeare:
Part of Fleege's Right Brain Internet. fleege.com Don't lose another minute of traffic: namedrive - Parking (best) sedo.com - The first name in the Domain Business. Everything you need for your domain business to succeed. Parking & Listing and domain promotion.Parking & Listing afternic- Parking, listing and way more... FREE ADVERTISING: Post free advertising absolutely Free Advertising media. Post your best products, domains and opportunities for free. Get a free webpage like this. our example |
REVIEW: How to Sell Domains - A weekend crash course. The absolute best domain selling information is complied in Edwin John's How I Sell My Domain Names A weekend Crash course. That's right - Speed up your learning curve by learning from other professionals' mistakes and successes. I wish I had read it two years ago when I started. It is an 86 page Ebook report of years of experience from both Mr John and experts around the world - Information you can really learn in a (long) weekend. The ebook product is more than learning about domain selling techniques and strategies - but it goes into details about how to run successful domain business. As Edwin puts it: "it is not just about selling domain names but making the most of them from the moment you register (or buy) one" You will basically turn yourself into a "domain entreprenuer from a mere domain speculator" - That is really what all domainers are who own undeveloped domains. How I Sell My Domain Names is money well spent and the earlier you get your hands on this information the faster you turn your Domain business into a profitable enterprise. Since the volume is an ebook you will also find a lot of useful live links and tools. Using the right tools in the right way can simply be enough to turn your business around. A sure BUY! Learn how to avoid "waking up and smelling the expiry dates". The biggest addition that I would add to the material is the arrival of NameDrive. Namedrive is one of the newest players in the Domain Parking field and if often snubbed by the pros simply because it is new. See our report. NameDrive is just that. Domain Parking is back Big time. I would like you to take the Name Drive Challenge. Simply test park the bottom 20% of your portfolio. (something every domainer should do anyway) Then watch the DIFFERENCE. After you have seen it with your own eyes (and in your PayPal account) you can then move your more promising domains and really see some income. WHY NAME DRIVE IS THE BEST PLACE TO PARK YOUR DOMAINS. Get into the web hosting business (with a free website giving you income and WITH LINKS OUT promoting you you you...) How I Sell My Domain Names Web Resources Godaddy.com - Still the big daddy of hosting and domain registrations. Advertising Wisdom | Truly Digital & Online Printing | 4 inkjets | url guru |
Better than parking - A web No brainer: resellerspanel.com see our example site urlguru.com If there is one thing to take away from this page it is this opportunity. Works great as a domain parking site as well only that the money is 100 times better. Once there Click on reselling www.urlguru.com Domain Buiness Resources How I Sell My Domain Names (the industry leading ebook the domain business) GoDaddy.com - World's #1 Domain Name Registrar sedo.com - Park your domains for free. Make money while waiting for the perfect buyer. Only pay commission on the selling price. You set the sale price. - Learn how to Make Money in the web url domain game. Buy and sell domains. - See what domains are worth & selling for. Recently sold list. |
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Domain Parking Guru